Thursday, February 9, 2012

About Butterflies

The page above I did for a swap I joined on a well known swap site Sadly I am not in the swap any longer due to a rule I consider to be Draconian, so this journal which was meant to be made of swapped pages will never be finished. The photo is a little dark.... I might lighten it up and replace this copy.
These are the next 2 pages in my little journal. I am not 100% happy with it and may yet fiddle with it a bit more! I don't have a "style" yet, so am just having fun experimenting


  1. I love the owl at the bottom of the first page (and rules were made to be broken ;) !)

  2. Thank you... I love that owl too, and was dying to use him somewhere and he just "flew" to this spot :)

  3. Yes, I'm kind of partial to owls, too. I think they are my animal totem. Your pages are fab -- sorry the swap didn't work out, but more for you!! xo

  4. Thanks for the encouragement Teri.

  5. Love your Owl - don't change him - he's gorgeous.
